Womn and Water in Africa: An Overview of Water Justice Struggles

Urgent Action Fund – Africa has released a ‘Womn and Water in Africa: An Overview of Water Justice Struggles’, with contributions from the BPP and comrade organizations. As the authors note “

The work of UAF-Africa is aligned with feminist and alternative approaches to water control and management, which focus on the needs of the most marginalised in society – African womn from poor communities – and this is at the heart of this research. This report emphasises the urgency of womn’s struggle for water and highlights how
water is an intersectional issue that cuts across food production, health, housing, sanitation and climate change. The report puts a spotlight on the
importance of strengthening social movements and connecting struggles at local, regional and international levels. Some of the key aspects of this
include feminist political education at grassroots level, strategic convenings to enhance solidarity, influencing and building powerful counter-narratives through a continental water justice campaign.”

Download the ‘Womn and Water in Africa: An Overview of Water Justice Struggles’’ report.

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